Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Book Wars: Dork Diaries vs. Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Dork Diaries

Dork Diaries follows eighth grader Nikki Maxwell as she chronicles through text and sketches her move to a snooty new school; her epic battle with her mom for an iPhone; her enthusiasm for drawing and art; and a love/hate fascination with the new school’s queen bee, a girl named Mackenzie, who becomes Nikki’s rival in a schoolwide art competition. Nikki writes about friendships, crushes, popularity, and family with a unique and fresh voice that still conveys a universal authenticity. Nikki’s sketches throughout her diary add humor and spunk to the book, a surefire hit with tween girl readers.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

It’s a new school year, and Greg Heffley finds himself thrust into middle school, where undersized weaklings share the hallways with kids who are taller, meaner, and already shaving. The hazards of growing up before you’re ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary.In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. But when Rowley’s star starts to rise, Greg tries to use his best friend’s newfound popularity to his own advantage, kicking off a chain of events that will test their friendship in hilarious fashion.

I've read both series, all of Dork Diaries and Book 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of Diary of a Wimpy Kid, plus the online version: Though I don't usually enjoy books with male protagonists, I was actually quite entertained by the book.
But to be honest, I preferred Dork Diaries. While I found Greg humorous, I also noticed that he was rather selfish and abrupt, and did not care for others' feelings. For instance, when he terrorized those Kindergarteners and had Rowley take the blame for it, he considered this as Rowley "taking one for the team". I think he should've just told the truth and admitted that he was the one that terrorized the children, not Rowley. Though at times I get annoyed with Nikki, who exaggerates way too much. Every little thing becomes some huge dilemma. Though I've heard this is how most teenage girls act. Heck, it's how most eleven year old girls act, I know this all too well. But this is just my personal opinion, so let's get on with The Books Wars, also known as The Reading Games (like The Hunger Games)!


Dork Diaries: I was able to figure out who the antogonist in this series was very quickly, snobby and fashion-obsessed MacKenzie Hollister. Who apparently can spit out twelve insults all while applying twenty seven layers of lip gloss. Impressive. MacKenzie adds interesting plot twists to the story with her endless supply of wicked and sinister attempts to embarrass Nikki. And as much as Nikki wishes to flush her down the toilet (she really said this) without her, the story would be pretty boring. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: I had quite the trouble figuring out the antogonist of the story. In the online version, I assume it is Ben, but in the paper book version, is it Patty Farell or The Cheese? 

Winner: Dork Diaries

                                          Best Friend(s)

Dork Diaries: The best friends in Dork Diaries were Zoey, a caring and thoughtful bookworm who is obsessed with quotes, and Chloe, a talented dancer who is an "expert" on guys and dating. I feel like the trio are really best friends, they are always there for each other, stick up for one another and offer advice. I never really felt this connection between Greg and Rowley, though they've known each other longer.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg's best friend is Rowley, a funny but very childish boy who he often mistreats and degrades. They disagree on every thing and in the online version, become ex-best friends more than once. Their friendship is not healthy at all. 

Winner: Dork Diaries

Dork Diaries: Nikki attends Westchester Country Day, a snobby private school, due to her father's bug extermination contract with the school. We know a lot more about the school, since lots of the action takes place in this setting. 

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley attends, Westmore Middle School. The school is not a main focus in the story like it is in DD, and therefore little is known about it. Though we do know the names of several students that also attend the school, since they are mentioned by Greg.

Winner: Dork Diaries
Dork Diaries: Nikki is a very talented artist, she has a portfolio strong enough for college. And because of this, her drawings in the book are spetacular. A bit of manga and stick figures in it.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg draws stick figures with a few enhancements like clothes. That's it.

Winner: Dork Diaries
Dork Diaries: Dork Diaries was mainly created for girls, however some boys do read them. I think the pink cover may set off most boys.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Diary of a Wimpy Kid appeals to a wider audience, it is intended for both boys and girls.

Winner: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Dork Diaries: Nikki's crush is Brandon, who also happens to be MacKenzie's crush, causing conflict and extensive drama in the plot. Brandon is one of the main characters, he is a huge part of the book. Not just occasionally mentioned like Greg's crush.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg's crush is Holly Hills, who is only briefly mentioned throughout the book and appears in some scenes. She is not a very important character, though one would expect his crush to be since he's "always been into girls"

Winner: Dork Diaries

                                        Final Conclusion
Dork Diaries: 5
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: 1


What are your thoughts?

Visit Nikki's blog at:
Visit the Diary of a Wimpy Kid Official Page at:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Twilight by Stephanie Meyers; Book Review

So, I read Twilight about a year ago, and I must say, I really regret doing so. It was awful. Horrendous. Treacherous. Atrocious. Repulsive. Basically, I didn't like it. I didn't read it all, I used it to hit a spider when I was halway through and didn't want to touch it again. That spider was my favorite spider, the only one I ever liked, because it stopped me from having to continue. If I start a book, I want to finish it no matter how awful it is, unless it has spider germs, then it gets shoved back onto one of my overstuffed bookshelves. 
Anyway, onto the book. Why don't I like it? Well, let's start with the characters.

Bella is your plain and average Mary Sue with a tacky name (Bella Swann means Beautiful Swan). She's boring and bland and has no personality whatsoever. No goals, no real life outside of her boyfriend, her sparkly boyfriend. She says she's not pretty, but she has at least four guys falling for her, but *gasp* strange and mysterious Edward doesn't! What do you expect Bella, what do you expect? She spends the entire time weeping, complaining, and whining. And when Edward finally does become her boyfriend, she stops complaining and starts repeatedly mentioning how "handsome" he is. She even thinks it is sweet that he watches her while she sleeps! And then there's vampire baseball.

He's creepy. Just creepy. Too perfect, just way too perfect, he has no flaws whatsoever (just like Bella has no personality whatsoever) and now that I think about it, really has no personality either. And he sparkles. SPARKLES! How can he ever be perceived as intimidating or dangerous when he SPARKLES? Stupidest idea ever. And he watches Bella sleep, which only adds to his creepiness. But I must admit, I do feel sorry for him, he has to put up with Bella. 

The writing is awful, just because there's a fancy little adjective in every sentence, doesn't mean it is a good book. It really is just poorly written, I think at age seven I could've written better. I mean REALLY, sparkly vampires? What? Did her kid accidentally spill glitter on his stick figure and she thought, "Hey! That's a great idea little Jimmy! The vampires should sparkle!" And vampire baseball? Come on!